Vodka Rocks 2017 with Effen Vodka at Snoqualmie Casino! Seattle Photo Booth – PartyBoothNW – Tonight We PartyBooth!
Vodka Rocks – the ultimate outdoor Summer Music Festival at Snoqualmie Casino – is back and better than ever! This year the event featured live music from Empire Records, Calamity Jane and Xanadu, plus a new outdoor BBQ and more! Guests enjoyed some of the world’s leading vodka brands including Effen Vodka who hosted a fun photo booth from PartyBoothNW so guests could get a photo to remember the exciting event. Sip on custom cocktails in the sun and listen to local hits, all with fabulous views of the Snoqualmie Valley! Tonight, Vodka Rocks – Tonight We PartyBooth! Seattle Photo Booth ©2017

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