AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

Friends, families and fans of the Washington State Fair gather each September for the annual festival. Featuring attractions like mutton busting, draft horse driving demonstrations, live music, a carnival midway, art displays, food, animal and agriculture showings from 4-H and FFA, giant pumpkins and activities for all ages, fair-goers from all over join together to Do The Puyallup. Seattle Fair and Festival Photography ©2015 Ari Shapiro -

State Fair Photography: Washington State Fair 2015

Friends, families and fans of the Washington State Fair gather each September for the annual festival.  Featuring attractions like mutton busting, draft horse driving demonstrations, live music, a carnival midway, art displays, food, animal and agriculture showings from 4-H and FFA, giant pumpkins and activities for all ages, fair-goers from all over join together to Do The Puyallup. Seattle Fair and Festival Photography ©2015 Ari Shapiro –

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