AShapiro Studios – Commercial Event Photography

Category: How-To

  • Making The Shot: Skagen Watch

    Making The Shot: Skagen Watch

    I saw it – I loved it – I wanted to take a picture of it.  The mesh strap, the carbon fiber background, the small pops of color on this Skagen Watch…  Yeah, let’s do this. First, let’s talk set-up.  I really wanted to go minimal on this one.  1 light, no special equipment, kitchen…

  • Seattle Photography Workshop: Learning to Use Your New Digital Camera – Jan 14, 2014

    Seattle Photography Workshop: Learning to Use Your New Digital Camera – Jan 14, 2014

    Get that new camera for Christmas or Hanukkah and don’t know how to use it yet?  Looking for a refresher of basic camera functions?  Join me for my next Photography Workshop: Learning to Use Your New Digital Camera! This 3 hour workshop is great for beginners looking to jumpstart their photography skills by learning the…

  • Quick Hit: 2 iOS Tips to Make Your Life Easier – Short Names and Signatures!

    Quick Hit: 2 iOS Tips to Make Your Life Easier – Short Names and Signatures!

    Some people follow every software update and can tell you in which update a certain feature appeared.  I’m not that guy.  There are some features that I wish existed, and I get excited when they appear!  2 have recently surfaced for me that I’m pretty jazzed about – Email Signatures by Account and the “Short…

  • Making the Shot: Macrina Chai

    Making the Shot: Macrina Chai

    Inspiration can strike anywhere, anytime. I had just received a new camera (a Panasonic DMC-GX7, which I’ll blog about soon) and was on my way to a business meeting at Macrina on 1st Ave in Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood.  Wanting to test the camera, on my way I saw some fog being lit up by a…

  • Light Painting the 4th

    A camera sees light.  Where you have exposed light, the camera will capture it.  Where there is no light, nothing appears in the photo.  Based on that, given the right environment, you can control what your camera sees and what it doesn’t using a light source that you control, known as “Light Painting.”